Binh Dinh

Bình Định nằm trên bờ biển miền Trung Việt Nam. Phía Bắc được bao quanh bởi Quảng Ngãi, phía Nam giáp Phú Yên, phía Tây giáp Gia Lai và phía Đông giáp Biển Đông có đường bờ biển dài 100km và một số đảo ngoài khơi.
I am a woman: C & oacute; potential of marine economic development with 134 km of coastline, 2,500 km2 of coastal areas, 40,000 km2 and exclusive economic rights; 3 international seaports v & agrave; many c & aacute ports; large c. Aquatic resources of saltwater, brackish, sweet Phong & uacute; gi & aacute; high economic value. C & oacute; about 85,000 ha of forest production and production forests; B & igrave; Identification & Agrave; one of the four major wood processing centers of the country with a capacity of 350,000 m3 / year. The product is well-positioned with great reserves, including: D & aacute; granite, titanium, white, kaolin, & hellip;
GDP growth rate in 2018: 7.32%
Up to now, Binh Dinh has 87 FDI projects with a total investment capital of nearly 803 million USD.
Infrastructure Development, Tourism and hotel, Industry (mechanical, plastic, machine), Agricultural product processing.
Management board l & yacute; Economic Zone of B & igrave province; nh Dinh (BEZA)
Address: 65 T & acirc; y Son, Th & agrave; Quy Nhon city, B & igrave province
Phone: 056 & nbsp; 3747721 - Fax: 056 & nbsp; 3846616
Center for advancement Investment in Binh Dinh province (IPC Binh Dinh)
Address: 35 L & ecirc; Loi, Th & Agrave; Quy Nhon city, province of Binh Dinh
Phone: 056. 3818888, 3818889, 3818886 - Fax: 056. 3818887