Dak Lak

Dak Lak province is located in the Central Highlands at an altitude of 400- 800m in the sea. It has borders with Gia Lai to the north and northeast, Lam Dong province to the south, Cambodia and Dak Nong province to the west, Phu Yen and Khanh Hoa provinces to the east. Dak Lak province is located in the center of the Central Highlands, the source of the Serepok river system and a part of the Ba River, 1,410 km from Hanoi and 350 km from Ho Chi Minh City. The North borders Gia Lai province, the East borders Phu Yen and Khanh Hoa, the South borders Lam Dong and Dak Nong, the West borders Cambodia.
People & ecirc; n: Land risk: Land in Dak Lak is stylish and uacute; v & agrave; variety with most c & oacute; c & oacute; in Vietnam. In d & oacute; The area of industrial land and land in Dak Lak accounts for more than 1.13 million hectares (86% of the total area), in the land; c & oacute; 532 people & n hectares of land for industrial production in land; Land area of basalt l & agrave; soil type & ugrave; Suitable for a wide variety of types of industry and field. They are not suitable for many different types of plants such as: m & iacute; cassava, cassava, cotton, bean & aacute; l “a water, fruit & hellip; All produce high productivity.
Transport traffic: & nbsp; Dak Lak province; 07 National highways pass through with the total dimension of 738.7 km. Including: National Highway 14, passing through Dak Lak province 126 km, from gi & aacute; Gia Lai province to city of Dak N & ocirc; Pavement texture b & ecirc; plastic; Highway 26, passing through Dak Lak province 119 km from the city of Bu & ocirc; n Ma Thuot to Nha Trang. Pavement texture b & ecirc; plastic; Highway 27, passing through Dak Lak province 81.5 km, from Bu & ocirc; n Ma Thuot to Đ & Agrave; Lat, Phan Rang (Ninh Thuan).
Electrical system: & nbsp; transformer station & aacute; p 110 kV c & oacute; 10 stations with total capacity of 455 MVA; Variable station & aacute; p 220 c & oacute; 02 stations with total capacity of 500 MVA. Gi & aacute; electricity, c & aacute; installation and repair services: Gi & aacute; Electricity is regulated by the Ministry of Industry and Trade in Decision No. 2256 / QD-BCT. + C & aacute; electrical installation and repair services: Mainly by Dak Lak Electricity Company and Agrave; some organizations manage l & yacute; electric power is carried out, ensuring safety, quality and quality; time.
Plumbing: & nbsp; To & agrave; in C & oacute province; 11 centers of water supply centers. In d & oacute;, One Member Limited Liability Company of Water Supply & amp; Dak Lak Construction Investment Manager & Yacute; 06 small countries (BMT water plant, lake branch, Krong Pac, Cu M & rsquo gar, Ea S & uacute; p, Ea Kar); Center for Agriculture and Rural Development of Vietnam and Vietnam; Environment Management System: 03 public centers (water station in Ea H'eo district, Hanoi, Kr & ocirc; ngang, Kr & ocirc; ng Ana); c & aacute; district managing district: 02 Water Supply Station (Lak district water station, M & rsquo; Dak). The total design capacity to & # 39; s & # 39; the water supply chain is concentrated in the city. market area of the province to the province to qu & yacute; I / 2016 nearly 76,600m3 / person & agrave; health & ecirc; m. Total real capacity of the province: 56,600m3 / day & year, reaching 66%. In the province, the ratio of capacity of water supply units to total capacity, including: Water Supply and Agrave One Member Limited Liability Company; Dak Lak construction investment accounts for 85.12% / total design capacity; Center & acirc; m Clean water and agrave; VSMTNT accounted for 12.13%, 02 districts M & rs' Dak Lak v & agrave; Lak manager l & yacute; Centralized water supply chain accounts for about 2.75%. + Approximately 72% of clean water for residential d & ocirc; urban, 85% of the water is hygienic for the urban area. Not yet c & oacute; water supply systems for parks, industrial clusters. & nbsp;
GDP growth rate in 2018: 7.82%
Up to now, Dak Lak has 16 FDI projects with a total investment of nearly
Industry, infrastructure development, agricultural product processing, high-tech agriculture, services.
DPI v & agrave; Investment in Dak Lak
Address: 17 L & ecirc; Duan, town of Bu & ocirc; Ma Thuot, Dak Lak province.
Phone: 0262. 3852187
+ T & ecirc; n parts, c & aacute; ch: Center of investment.
& nbsp; & Ocirc; ng: Nguyen To & agrave; n Thang - Gi & aacute; m director
& nbsp; Phone: 0262. 3778788